Volunteer Coaches for AYSO are required to complete the following training:
- Coach Training course for appropriate age level
- Safe Haven online class
- CDC Concussion Protocol online class.
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest online class
- SafeSport
Coaches can register for each of these trainings on ETRAINU through the volunteer tab in their Sports Connect account.
Select login from our website to be directed to Sports Connect. From there, select the Volunteer tab. The screen should look like this if you are a registered volunteer for the current registering season. Full compliancy is required. If you are compliant with all training, background check, coach certification and referee certification, it will be reflected in the Compliant column with a checkmark. The hazard sign means you need to complete that required item prior to the first game of the season.

From this screen, select the AYSOU button. This will redirect you to AYSO's new platform ETRAINU, and should automatically log you in. All required training outside of coach certification can be found in the Safe Haven folder within the Training Library. To select the coordinating division for which you are volunteering to coach, select view courses from the Coaching folder. Any required in person courses will be coordinated by our region and dates for those courses will be announced before the Fall season.